Welcome ASIS New Zealand
Advancing Security Worldwide
ASIS New Zealand is part of ASIS International Group 15, region 15A. As of 2022 there are over 130 members of ASIS International based in New Zealand alone.

See what membership in ASIS can do for you.
Who we are
ASIS International is the pre-eminent international organisation for professionals responsible for security, including managers and directors of security
In addition, corporate executives and other management personnel, as well as consultants, architects, lawyers, and police officers, are becoming involved with ASIS to better understand the constant changes in security issues and solutions.

Join ASIS New Zealand
Please note that ASIS International does not collect local dues so please ensure you register with ASIS New Zealand as local chapter membership is not automatic when joining ASIS International.
Not yet an ASIS International member?
To become an ASIS New Zealand member you must be an ASIS International member. Click below to find out further information regarding ASIS International membership.
Elevate Your Security Career Today!
Unlock your potential
Certifications and Programmes

The ASIS New Zealand WIS Chapter Liaison is Ngaire Kelaher. ASIS depends on volunteers within the Chapters to present programmes, plan events and just generally get the word out about how they support, inspire and promote security professionals within the industry. If you would like to help or get involved in any way contact please click here.
If you are interested in connecting with the NZ Network Women in Security click here.
As and ASIS International member you will have access to a variety on ASIS International Community Groups – feel free to explore the ASIS Connects website and join the Women in Security forum for fantastic networking and resources.
To celebrate Women’s International Day, ASIS New Zealand hosts its annual Women in Security special event in March each year. Connect with ASIS NZ by subscribing to the mailing list, connected on Face or connecting on LinkedIn to ensure you receive updates!

CPP Virtual Programme
Round 2 will commense February 2025 so stay tuned!

Do you want to achieve an ASIS International Certification but not sure how? Look no further! Join a study group regardless of your region and get the support you need to achieve your goal.
Auckland based study groups and a Wellington based study group is currently underway and can be accessed via Zoom or MS Teams – SO NO MATTER WHAT PART OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE IN YOU CAN STILL BE PART OF THE STUDY GROUP. If you are interested is completing the PSP, PCI or CPP certification programme and would like to be part of a virtual study group regardless of your region or would like to initiate one please click here with the subject line ‘Study Group’ for further details.
If any other members or nonmembers wish to learn more about certification programs offered by ASIS, please reach out to one of the executive to explore how we as ASIS can facilitate or support your professional development.
Click here for more information on the range on certifications available

June Chapter Meeting
Our June meeting is occurring on 19 June. We are delighted to be joined by special guest speaker Mike Metcalfe from Irisity! This is a great opportunity to hear the latest from Mike about AI and video analytics!
This will be an in-person and online (via Teams) event conducted in Auckland commencing 8am.